Raw HTML tags are generally left untouched by Textile.

Textile example: HTML

h3{margin-top:0}. Your cart * Item one * Item two

Textile input (editable)

Browser output

HTML output

More about: HTML

1. To prevent Textile from enclosing complex HTML blocks in paragraph tags, either use a space at the beginning of each line:

    <span>My div</span>

Or a notextile.. extended block:

notextile.. <div>
    <span>My div</span>

2. HTML comments are respected as comments:

Here is some text with a <!-- Commented out[1] --> block.

<!-- Here is a single <span>line</span> comment block -->

<!-- Here is a whole

3. Unicode symbols can be entered in decimal form, like this:

p{font-size:20pt;}. &#9762; &#9729; &#9816;

With a browser that is capable, and a font that supports the characters, you will see this:

☢ ☁ ♘

Further reading: HTML

  1. MDN: HTML elements reference
  2. Emoticons Unicode (Wikipedia)
  3. Unicode (Wikipedia)
  4. Unicode Character Code Charts

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