Put straight quotation marks around the link text, followed immediately by a colon and the URL of the link.
Textile example: Links
Textile input (editable)
Browser output
HTML output
More about: Links
1. A local link:
"link text":/example
2. A link with a title
"link text(with title)":
3. An email link:
"(classname)link text(title tooltip)"
4. Combine with a link with an image link:
5. Usage of a link alias:
This is "a link to Textpattern":txp, and "another link":txp to the same site.
6. If you wish to link to a URL and want the URL itself in the text, you can use the following ‘dollar’ shorthand:
7. Class names can be added in parentheses before the link (requires Textile v2.5.1 or later):
"(various fancybox.iframe)Cats and cheese":
8 For links and URLs containing parentheses, such as
you have to use a combination of HTML and HEX codes, like so:
9. In cases where note references – or other markup – directly follow links, the alternative, more Markdown-like link format can be used:
The same also works for spans and other inline markup: