Superscript and subscript text
Superscript is indicated by surrounding carets ^, and subscript text by surrounding tildes ~ after a preceding space.
Textile example: Superscript and subscript text
Global warming in the 21 ^st^ century is mostly caused by CO ~2~ in the atmosphere.
Global warming in the 21[^st^] century is mostly caused by CO[~2~] in the atmosphere.
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More about: Superscript and subscript text
1. To avoid spaces around the super- and subscripted text, square brackets [ ... ]
have to be used. The above example then should be rewritten as:
Global warming in the 21[^st^] century is mostly caused by CO[~2~] in the atmosphere.
Another example, a chemical formula:
Calcium borate: Ca[~3~](BO[~3~])[~2~]
Which generates “Calcium borate: Ca3(BO3)2”.